Fully loaded Veg Junglee sandwich recipe

Veg Junglee sandwich recipe
Veg Junglee sandwich recipe

Try this new Veg Junglee sandwich recipe fully with three creamy layers. Tasty and Easy to prepare for every meal.

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Main Ingredients for Junglee sandwich

Chilli flakesOreganoMayonnaiseSchezwan Chutney
Ingredients for Junglee sandwich


  • Take the following ingredients in a bowl.
  • Onion: 2 tbsp (chopped)
  • Capsicum: 2 tbsp (chopped)
  • Corn: 2 tbsp
  • Cabbage: 2 tbsp (chopped)
  • Chilli flakes: 1/2 tbsp
  • Oregano: 1/2 tbsp
  • Mayonnaise: 1 tbsp
  • Schezwan chutney: 1 tbsp
  • Mix them well.
source: Youtube

Assembling and Toasting

  • Take a bread slice.
  • Apply schezwan chutney on it.
spread schezan chutney on bread
source: Youtube
  • Spread the prepared filling over it.
spread the filling over bread
source: Youtube
  • Apply schezwan chutney on another slice and place it over the filling part to create a second layer.
  • Apply butter on the second layer.
  • Apply green chutney over it.
apply green chutney on second layer
source: Youtube
  • Place the chopped slices of tomato, onion, boiled potato, and cucumber over it.
placing the chopped onion, tomato, cucumber over bread
source: Youtube
  • Finally, cover the sandwich with butter and green chutney on the third slice.
junglee sandwich is ready to toast
source: Youtube
  • Now toast the assembled sandwich from both sides in the pan.
junglee sandwich toasted
source: Youtube
  • The tasty junglee sandwich is ready to serve.
junglee sandwich is ready to eat
source: Youtube

Must try: Besan paneer sandwich recipe


  1. You can use the bread of your choice in a sandwich.
  2. The Quantity of ingredients can vary with the servings.


The 3-layered Veg Junglee sandwich recipe is ready. It would be best if you tried it. Stay tuned to Sandwichia.com for more new tasty sandwich recipes, and don’t forget to share your feedback and suggestions in the comment box below.

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